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Friends on Road Trip

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Learning to drive is one of those life experiences you'll never forget. Yes, it can be fun at the same time!

Our structured training program provides you with the knowledge and experience to manage risks and make safe driving decisions independently. 

Our three phases are designed to boost your:

  1. Driving Skills

  2. Driving Confidence

  3. Driving Independently

Don't waste time and money learning to drive!



Our first phase of learning to drive is centred on building the right foundation, learning the mechanics of driving, handling the vehicle safely and the manoeuvres you could encounter during everyday driving.

The Driving Skills phase includes:

  1. Vehicle Controls & Checks

  2. Moving Off & Stopping Safely

  3. Correct use of Mirrors

  4. Understanding Gears

  5. Steering Techniques & Turning

  6. Basic Junctions & Roundabouts

  7. Manoeuvring (Parking & Reversing)

  8. Risk Identification

      And more...

Image by Art Markiv
Image by Douglas Bagg



The second phase of our training program is designed to build your confidence while driving safely. You are exposed to different environments, varying road and weather conditions, while applying your driving skills and knowledge you have already mastered.


With my background in Airline Flying & Pilot Training, emphasis is placed on risk identification, risk management and decision making.

The Driving Confidence phase includes:

  1. Risk Identification & Mitigation

  2. Complex Junctions & Roundabouts

  3. Blue Light Aware

  4. Safe Following & Stopping Distances

  5. Incidents, Accidents & Emergencies

  5. Awareness & Anticipation

  6. Dual Carriageways & AWPR

  7. Adverse Weather Conditions

  8. Night Driving

  9. Route planning & GPS

      And more...



The final phase of our training focusses on independent driving, mastering those skills and fine tuning your decision making. 

Driving Independently includes:

  1. Driving Further & Longer

  2. ECO Safe Driving

  3. Advanced Decision Making

  4. Breakdowns & Basic Repair

  5. Test Preparation & Sample Test Routes

      And more...

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